Calendar of Events

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January 2024
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2024 Salmon Festival

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Events in the month of January 2024
Wednesday, January 3, 2024
Do you know what Marketing Funnels are?  Do you know how they can benefit your business?  Do you want to ensure your marketing dollars and time are working for you?  Do you want to know how you can use Marketing Funnels to drive increase sales, more loyalty and stronger brand awareness? During this marketing workshop, you will learn how to use Marketing Funnels to acquire, measure, track and monetize your traffic, leads, and conversations.  You will also gain insights from seeing the "big picture" and learn how collecting the right data can help to identify your "Marketing Blindspots." 
Thursday, January 4, 2024
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly beneficial to businesses and our communities as a whole. However, very few people understand how to use AI to help them in their marketing and other business strategies. We will take a deep dive into using AI to develop marketing strategies, content, and will take a step-by-step approach to developing an AI generated marketing strategy.
Friday, January 5, 2024
This workshop will focus on discussing introductory methods of digital and online marketing.  You will learn the basics about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media Marketing (SMM), as well as mobile, affiliate, and online ad marketing. In this class, you will be provided real-world examples of which type of marketing may best fit your marketing goals, as well as ideas for your future marketing needs. This class is perfect for individuals who are either first getting started in digital/online marketing, or those who would like a little more information on how to develop their current digital/online marketing.

Saturday, January 13, 2024
Community Resource Rooms hosted by Valley Oak Children's Services aim to provide community members including parents and childcare providers with fun and developmentally friendly supplies for children. Come out to get craft supplies (paint, glue, paper, and more), activity ideas, a pre-made curriculum kit, and more! Open to all; no registration required. Families welcome.
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Summary of significant labor and employment legislations and court decisions.
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Learn basic concepts for setting up your bookkeeping and develop an understanding of financial statements to better manage your business. Learn and understand common terms used in bookkeeping so you can converse confidently with lenders and financial advisors. Learn key concepts for good record keeping for your business.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024
You will learn about the nuts and bolts of starting a food truck business. Topics include the differences in purchasing or leasing a truck, how commissaries work, health permit and requirements, financing, and what your financial and time investment will be. 

Thursday, January 25, 2024
Join Butte College SBDC for a 2-hour workshop on understanding food costs and pricing. This training is for both existing and startup restaurants and food businesses.
Topics will include: Understanding profit and loss statements; Industry benchmarks for food costs; How to work from a budget; Industry techniques for calculating plate costs; How to price for profitability; and Best practices for managing inventory.

Thursday, January 25, 2024
Friday, January 26, 2024

In this LeaderShift mastermind we will discuss vitally important leader shifts including:

  • How to continually learn, unlearn and relearn touchstone leadership principles.
  • How to go from pleasing people to challenging people to become better leader and mentor
  • How to change your focus from maintaining to creating, unlocking the mental blocks keeping you from reaching your full potential.
  • How to move from being goal- oriented to growth oriented while dropping bad habits, changing wrong priorities, and embracing new ways of thinking.vvv
Monday, January 29, 2024
Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Have greater self-knowledge, awareness and increased resiliency toward emotional triggers. Use the SCARF model to identify and regain a productive mind set. Increase mental productivity to perform tasks. Immediately apply tips to keep a productive mind frame.