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4-part series, 8:30 am - 11:30 am
Conflict Resolution 1:
Gain clarity about the 5 main sources of conflict. Identify patterns that emerge in your role based on these root causes of conflict. Learn specific communication techniques for minimizing conflict in these areas. Focus on productively resolving conflict while minimizing negative outcomes and maximizing positive outcomes.
Conflict Resolution 2:
Understand the strengths and limitations of each conflict resolution strategy. Identify your natural conflict style and think about the natural styles of your coworkers. Improve your conflict resolution skill set by applying the best strategy for the situation and people involved.
Conflict Resolution 3:
Understand and utilize the conflict dialog guidelines. Face conflicts with a focus on mutual understanding through discussion and action plan development for long-term resolution. Become educated on how to consistently demonstrate behaviors that minimize conflict in the workplace and identify how to facilitate productive difficult conversations. The three primary components of facilitating difficult conversations, eight defusing skills and six resolving skills will be shared and discussed.
Conflict Resolution 4:
Minimize conflict in the workplace by identifying challenging behaviors on your team and learning techniques on how to appropriately respond to those behaviors. How to use fact-based communication to minimize emotional exchanges. Identify how various personality styles may be adding to increased conflict. Learn about your specific work style, various work style’s strengths and weaknesses and how to increase productivity when working with all styles.